30second exposeure

This years 4th July is on Sunday, so as a devotive Christian. My plans for the day was sunday service. However I have no plan for the evening. The maybe some drinking Coke-Zero and taking firework photo in my apartment.

After sunday there is cell-group at my place. the leader origionally plan to picnic at the park. But the the weather was like 50 degreed out there. Isn't gobal warming suspose to make it warmer?

I dont know how it happen, but after cell group me and three others whom has no plan for the night just decide have hot-pot party then watch firework. For those who dont know what hot-pot is, it's an Asian food where you have a pot with boil water, and you add meat slice, vegetable and other ingredient into it, and people just sit around the pot dining.

Group shot
The night turn out pretty sweet and awesome. we all know each other for a solid few years. and since Julia will be back to Texas on Thuresday, this also serve as a goodbye party. Like the song, it's so hard to say goodbye, I dont know if I would ever see Julia again. Maybe if in the future I can self support a trip to Texas, I did always want to go the water park in texas.
latter the night we watch firework, this is the first time I photograph firework. It's not like you can see firework everday, and last year I was out of country on 4th July. fortunately  I was in my apartment, at least I have tripod. after first few shoot, i know I have to do long expoursure. I am just lazy, only have one 30sec expourse, I latter found out only that one meet the stander.
Photography firework is not hard, you just need luck.

You have no idea what the next bang look like.