It's been 2 year since my last post, I am not surprised. It's not like I use this website as much as I use my computer. And I took a little break during my time try to pursuit a career in eSport.  (which fail terribly BTW )

    One of the reason I revisit this website is try to update my portfolio, I took a wedding gig two weeks back, it's a horrible experience for me. I was not really being respected nor pay well. However it did reignited my passion in photography. I switch my lens to Canon 24-105mm, the one I always wanted. It offer useable wide angle with enough teleport focal length in Canon APS-C format. And this is a good lens to carry around with. I also brought a steady, well build tripod from manforrto. I realize I should do that a long times ago, not only it's cheaper to buy in US, I also can ease the suffer I had when I use my old crappy tripod.
    Oh~ and yes, I moved back to Taiwan on the summer of 2011. I can only hope it's for the better, because everything up to this point is just like black hole, "it sucks".

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